Open Day 2019 – HAM, Burgdorf home in many epochs...

Also this year the HAM (Historical Army Material) held an “Open Day” in Burgdorf. In addition to the three other official collection exhibitions in Thun, Dübendorf and Uster, the HAM collection in Thun houses all vehicles of the Swiss Army. From the bike to the jeep, the train wagon to the tanks.

Raphael and Daniel did not miss the opportunity to visit the exhibition, not for the first time. Of course they also met many friends and old acquaintances again and so that one did not get involved in conversations every 10 meters again, a meeting was organized at 14 o’clock without further ado, at which all met in the festival bar. Thus the friendly and sociable part, which is extremely important, also got its chance.

A great day, with many impressions, interesting discussions and lots of interesting things. A big thank you to all involved.
An extremely important part of our culture, which belongs to us and our history just as much as other cultural institutions. Unfortunately, this sector is more and more ridiculed and dismissed as superfluous.