Also this year the very ingenious Saurer excursion took place. The event, which was organized by Gaby and Hans super, primarily included a ride with the Saurer oldtimers, a very fine lunch (of course Währschaft) and a visit to a military complex. This year there were two 2DM and one 6DM from the military Saurer family. A Saurer D330B 4x2N accompanied us as a “civilian” vehicle. After a drive from the service area Glarnerland in the direction of Chur we had lunch in the restaurant Schifffahrt in Mols. Then we went back to the fortress Grynau. Also this piece of Swiss military history is cared for by the members with much love and care. After a guided tour of several hours (nothing unusual for us) the participants met for a final drink.
A super successful event with many friends. Many thanks to Gaby and Hans for organizing. CHAFler were Tobias with Steffi and Daniel.